Launch of the Freedom of the Parish of Catterall scheme and first award presented to Ted Richardson

Launch of the Freedom of the Parish of Catterall scheme and first award presented to Ted Richardson

22nd of February, 2024

Catterall Parish Council has launched a Freedom of the Parish of Catterall award scheme to recognise a resident’s exceptional or outstanding contribution to the parish and wider community. The Local Government Act 1972 s249 (5) allows the Catterall Parish Council to grant the honorary title of Freeman or Freewoman to persons of distinction and is the highest award that Catterall Parish Council can bestow. Although it carries no powers, rights or privileges, those who receive the honour are able to use the title of Freeman or Freewoman.


On the occasion of his 100th birthday, Ted Richardson is the first person to be awarded the honorary title of Freedom of the Parish of Catterall.

Ted, of Sturzaker House Farm,  was born in Catterall on the 21st February 1924. He served in the Royal Navy during World War II and was seconded to the US Navy for the Normandy D-Day landings which began on 6th June 1944. Alongside a fellow Royal Navy sailor, Ted’s role was to ferry American soldiers on a landing craft from the Mullberry Harbours to Omaha beach. Whilst Ted survived the ordeal, it is estimated that between five and six thousand allied soldiers were killed, wounded or missing at Omaha Beach on D-Day.

Ted returned to farming after the war working with his son Timothy and more latterly his grandson Tom. Ted continues to live at Sturzaker House Farm with his wife Doris.

Over the past 10 years, Ted and Tom have worked closely with the Wyre Rivers Trust. Tom Myerscough, General Manager of the Trust said “The Wyre Rivers Trust has been working with the Richardson family since 2015, they have always been very supportive of our projects and we have delivered a number of their land, including the creation of riparian buffer strips and woodland, lowland peat restoration near Bruna Hill and bioengineered riverbank protection to prevent erosion and improve habitat. Ted and Tom have also helped with the storage of Christmas trees for other projects on the river Calder and Ted has always shown a keen interest in the work that we are doing, often helping to provide vital information on fish movements and on the history of the river. Without the help and assistance of landowners like the Richardsons it would be impossible to improve our rivers and their wider catchments.”


If you know of a Catterall resident who you believe could be recognised for their exceptional contribution or service to the community over a prolonged period of time, please refer to the Freedom of the Parish Scheme, and complete an application form. This is an award based on merit and any nomination will only be considered if it meets the selection criteria.


The image shows Catterall Parish Council Chairman, Ian Brayshaw, presenting Ted Richardson with the Freedom of the Parish of Catterall.